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I will build Ecommers website in WP


If I may, I take this chance to introduce myself. My name is Vikas Vishwakarma, and I head a small team of Web Designers & Developers.

We may be small but we are not new to the industry. Its been a good 7 year plus journey which include more than 4 years on PHP & WordPress. Infact, I can go on and say that we are at expert level on PHP & WordPress. Apart from these two, we also work on CodeIgniter & Laravel frameworks.

My intent behind this email is to provide you with a contact on which you can depend & rely on any kind of PHP, WordPress, CodeIgniter, Laravel & E-Commerce Development. If you post your jobs on Freelancer Marketplaces like Upwork, FreeLancer or Guru and go through the tedious process of evaluating freelancers and taking the risk of expertise levels on each & every project you post. This is an ideal setup wherein you evaluate us once and depend on us in terms of expertise, value additions, responsibility & on timely response. We are set up for good and to stay.

I understand, it is easier said than done. Therefore, I am ready for any test/screening task that you would like to through at us. I do have profile on Upwork as well. You may go through the same on the following link:-

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