I will connect your domain with hosting.

First! thanks your coming. if you want your domain and hosting connection you are at right place.
If you have got your domian at one domain provider and want to connect to another hosting it can be confusing setting up dns records etc so i can help you do this effectively and easily without any trouble. i will solve your domain problems.
i wil connect your domain to your hosting with full satisfation and guarantte of work.
Moving a website from one hosting provider to another is something that most people will only do once or twice.
I will guarantee you:
100% Satisfaction.
Your website will remain 100% safe.
I will need from you:
Your OLD host control panel login.
Your NEW host control panel login.
Please contact me first before ordering this gig!
you can contact me for some else if you want for your website. i.e piugins etc.
Feel Free to contact me.**
what you should have?
login details of both hosting and domain accounts.
Click here to request a custom service and send you an estimate