I will Convert Psd or PDF to responsive HTML5 +CSS3,Bootstrap and Js/Jquery

Hi There !
Please show me your design preview or message me before purchasing this hourliePSD to responsive HTML5+CSS3 using Bootstrap 3 and js/Jquery ( Cert 5 Developer in Peopleperhour).
Flexible cost and Trending psd to responsive conversion service. I have converted 200+ PSD to responsive html pages, its been 2 years since I started psd to responsive coding.
What you will receive:
✓ Full HTML5 & CSS3
✓ Semantic MarkUp
✓ Mobile Friendly
✓ Responsive Design
✓ @font-face integration (Use of Google fonts if needed)
✓ Option to add Image Slider, JavaScript Menus etc.but No PHP coding
✓ Optimized Code
✓ I use Bootstrap Framework.
✓ My code is supported in all standard device resolutions(All mobile devices, Tablets,Standard Laptop,desktop etc.)
✓ 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
✓ All code is HAND CODED
✓ Small Js Script included !.
✔ High quality responsible psd to responsive html5 developer having 100% Positive reviews with perfect 5/5 ratings in all work
✔ Cert 5 Mode Developer, Awarded by Peopleperhour.
✔100% satisfied Clients Only
✔ I provide ONLY high quality work and Code.
✔ All code is HAND CODED
I am offering conversion of a standard Photoshop PSD to Responsive Web page.
Please contact me before buying this hourlie. This Service is for very simple psd/Pdf to html service and I assume it will complete it within 5-6 hrs. Please Note, One hourlie is for one PSD only, you need to buy again for the second page .
Thanks for visiting.
Have a Good Day !
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