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I will Convert PSD to HTML Responsive Website Design


I am website Front-End-Designer, with 2 years of experience.
I am a narrow expert, and The way I know my field lot more well and i will apply my skills in your project professional way.

Technologies I stick with are following:
  1. HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery;
  2. CSS3 animation, CSS Image sprites;
  3. Mobo Responsive, Bootstrap 3 & Materialize framework;
  5. Sass, SCSS;
  6. GIT;
  7. Adobe Photoshop,
What I will offer you:

1: Convert PSD to HTML5, CSS3 and responsive Bootstrap 3 framework Design Mobo layout with 3 versions (Desktop Version, Tab Version, & Mobo Version).
3: Jpg into html
4: Pdf into html
5: Javesript & Jquery Dynamic Functionality to layouts.
6: Very reliable and very responsible service
7: Pixel Perfect Coding
8: Mobile Customization/Optimization;
9: Best Envoirmental Design Code for Back-end Developers
10: Cross Browser Compatibility
12: SEO Optimized Pages
11: W3c Validation
12: 100% Satisfaction



Will the website be SEO / User Friendly ?

Yeah for sure! The website and its URL structure will fully search engine optimizable. The website will be neat clean and user-friendly as well.

Can you also design additional pages for already existing website?

Yes. You can provide us your existing website design and we can create extra custom pages to add to your website.

delivered within 5 days
3 revisions
0 Jobs Done
0 Repeat Clients
23 minutes Avg. Response Time
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