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I will create any website in ASP.NET


I will create website base on your requirement using ASP.NET with MVC framework. I will use with client side frameworks such as bootstrap, and jquery.

I have extensive knowledge on creating websites, I mainly support tfc.tv in my work as a back end developer, a platform that streams archived shows and movies of the Philippines' largest broadcasting network that has thousand of unique user visits each day.

I also solely own and developed the website bloph.com, a blogging platform. I also used ASP.NET with MVC framework in the backend, bootstrap and jquery as the front-end frameworks.

Moreover, just tell me your requirements and we'll make that happen, I'll even exceed with your expectation if we could even do it better. I'll guarantee your satisfaction with my work.

Message me and let's talk, I will definitely accomplish it at a reasonable price. I look forward to work with you here! Thanks.

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