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I will create hubspot landing page


Dear Client,

Hello! I am a Fullstack developer and designer with over 2+ years of experience. I can produce unique, high-quality work efficiently and have a strong eye for detail.

My Skills:
In Web Design:
- CSS / CSS3.
- Psd to html.
- Responsive/Mobile Design.
- Landing page development.
- Bootstrap.
- Java Script.
- Jquery.

Tool I Used so far:
- Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Freehand, Corel Draw, Fireworks, Page Maker

In Web development:
- Laravel | Codeigniter
- Vue js| Angular js
- Payment gateway intigration
- Joomla/Wordpres/Magento - custom component/module/plugin development.
- Core customization to any of 3rd party extension.
- Multi-vendor store - with Amazon, Ebay integration.
- Prestashop, Opencart, Volusion,Wix,Custom CMS development.
- Mobile site development.

Inbound Marketing:
I am Hubspot Inbound Certified Consultant. I am dealing with Hubspot Partner to provide white label Hubspot inbound marketing services. I am in good shape to provide you Hubspot Inbound marketing services. I do have good experience to develop Custom Website, Blog, Landing Page and Email template in Hubspot.

Also, I used many project management tool (Jira, Trello, Wrike, Slack, Asana, Okta, Springloops, Teamwork), And follow Agile methodology while working on any project.

Programming is my passion and writing clean, understandable and maintainable code is my top priority. I always write PSR2 compliant code and usually use PHPUnit for unit testing and Behat for functional testing

I'm flexible with my working hours and am happy to work closely with any existing freelancers you work with. I look forward to working with you!

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