I will create Logo Animation

Hi, If you are looking for High-Quality Logo for your company, its the right place for you. I will provide you world class professional logo design.
You will get a Full HD 1920 by 1080 pixel video.... which you can upload to your website , vimeo ,youtube, and any other website .where you want.
We will provide you:
- Eye Catching Design
- 2 Logo Concepts
- Unlimited Revisions
- Fast Response
- 48hrs Delivery Time
Graphitework offering ,Logo animation , Logo design and much more.
Skills in these software.
Adobe photoshop cs6
Adobe illustrator cs6
Adobe Aftereffects cs6
Adobe premiere cs6
Video can be provided in any format that you want:
Mp4, .avi , .mov , Flv, mp3 , mpeg2 etc.
.....We are determined to give your brand name.....
We offer various styles of animation:
1) Whiteboard animation
2) 2-D animation
3) Stick figure animation
4) Paper cut animation
5) Infographics
Click here to request a custom service and send you an estimate