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I will create php websites and solve php problems


i will create php websites and solve your php problems

i have developed many php scripts , Dynamic websites , portals admin panels, User panels,

i have developed CMS using only ,Core Php , MySQLi with OOP and PDO, JQuery java script, Ajax .without using any framework.

i can develop Dynamic Php websites, custom portals and admin panels as per the user requirements Which can be editable and customized to all the needs.

User-Friendly CMS using Core Php , MySQLi , PDO .

i create Php script, fix php errors, Php bug, solve Php website problems.

i love to do Php scripting and advanced JavaScript JQuery custom coding , Ajax works also .

i can also help you in Mysqli and PDO query issues and also Database related fixes We love to help our clients in Fixing your bugs and save your time . Try US .

Note: Not all bugs are fixed for 5 $ , the complexity of the bugs may vary and bugs needs to be discussed and price we can fix only after analyzing the complexity of bugs .

Please Message me before you place an order , I will be available all time to answer you .


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2 hours Avg. Response Time
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