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I will do: Business Plans, Financial Forecasting & Modeling, Competitor Analysis etc..


My name is Sarah and I have more than 6 years of independent freelance business and financial consultant experience.

Prior to freelancing I was working with an equity research firm and with a french bank.

I have hands-on experience in drafting business plan, creating full fledged financial model from the scratch, pro-forma and financial statements, forecasting and projections of financials.

In my experience has created more than 62 Business plan and 53 Financial Models mostly for start-ups and SME's.

Apart from being a consultant I am also associated with few topnotch platforms in which i do online tutoring for Masters and Phd level students.

I can do the full fledged business plan, financial model that includes cash flow statement, balance sheet, income statement, 3 or 5 year projections with NPV, IRR, Breakeven, industry and competitor analysis etc...

I am also associated with few startups as a business consultant.


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