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I will do data entry , transcription.


I am Naseer Ahmad from Faisalabad(Manchester of Pakistan) Pakistan.

I am doing job in an Multinational Based Shipping Company as an Accountant & Customer Services Officer from 10Years.

I have interest in Browsing Web in Newspapers, Facebook & Online Services like Transcription.

I am Energetic & Professionally providing services at my best.

I have experience in Data Entry & Transcription from Audio & Video.

Its my pleasure to have a chance to serve myself for your giving jobs.

During my job, i had completed many tasks like creating reports & fulfil all tasks in giving time.

I have also my account on PEOPLEPERHOUR.COM

Being a new member on this web "jobdone.net?" yuo all people will help me to find jobs & provide me opportunities to perfomr my self against given tasks.

If you will give me Chnace then i will prove myself that i am the best to perform jobs onltime & intime with better services.

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0 Jobs Done
0 Repeat Clients
34 minutes Avg. Response Time
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