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I will do Responsive Asp.Net(MVC|Web forms) application


I have hands on Experience in .Net Application Development
• I can develop fully dynamic Web Application.
• I can migrate your old application to ASP.NET or MVC ASP.NET.
• I can revamp your old Application.
• I can fix issues in your Application.
• I can handle complex requirements.
I can develop ASP.NET MVC / ASP.NET Web based application maximum of 5 pages with complex flow in 3 days.
I can use C#, asp, MS SQL, Ajax, JavaScript, CSS, Razor and etc.
You will get your complete bug free functionality in ASP.NET MVC / ASP.NET Web form.
Why should you buy my service?
• I am having Strong analytical, Planning, Programming and debugging skills and involved in all stages of SDLC methodology.
• I am available for any additional services and support upon project completion.
• I can complete my task within given timeframe.

Kindly contact me to discuss project in more detail

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