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I will do Software Quality Assurance


I have worked as quality assurance engineer for more than 5 years in many projects, I have worked with desktop/web/cloud applications and web services as well.
I offer software quality assurance services (manual and automated) following the international standar and processes using the last tools and best practices used in the field. My serivices are not limited on doing only SQA, also ptoject planning/management, also I offer to participate in the continuos integration proccesses and DevOps practices to have an stronger project that would be able to deliver value frequently.
The services I offer can be summarized in the following way:
- Manual testing for any kind of applications.
- Automation testing for web, desktop applications and web services.
- Performance testing.
- Security Testing.
- Acceptance testing
- Regression testing
- Continous integration and deployment
- Test design an execution
- Documentation.
- Test planning

It does not mean that I am limited to do the mentioned tasks, I enjoy learning new topics and I love researching, so I have the ability to learn quckly to be better every day, and to provide better services.

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2 hours Avg. Response Time
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