I will do wordpress fixes and issues

I Am The Designer And Web Strategist With More Then A decade,s Worth Of Experience Ranging From User Research To visual Wordpress , shopify , and Ui/Ux Development .
7 years of working experience in wp developement ! with ui skills
Proficient understanding of web markup, including HTML5 and CSS3
Basic understanding of server-side CSS pre-processing platforms, such as LESS and SASS
Strong knowledge of web standards
Proficient understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues and ways to work around them
Familiarity with differences in other HTML5 based views, such as ones in email clients
Knack of adhering to best design practices
Fair understanding of JavaScript programming and DOM manipulation
Develop new user-facing features
Build reusable code and libraries for future use
Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs
Optimize application for maximum speed and scalability
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