I will find an affordable solution using modern technologies.

Any problem has a solution.
So address it to me, we can find an affordable solution within an expected delivery time for you.
Projects will be handle using the agile methodology, whereby it will be splitted into milestones.
After each milestone, there will be QA in order to assure you, things are going the right way.
ASP.NET Web Development services like:
- Asp.Net web Application Development
- .Net Web API
- C# Development.
- Console Application Development (Automation processes)
Front-End Development services like:
Single Page Application using
- Angular JS
- Angular
- Vue JS
- Aurelia
Mobile Application Development services like:
- Xamarin Mobile App development using C# for cross platform (Android and IOS)
- Ionic framework Progressive Mobile App Development using Angular/ AngularJS with KendoUI for cross platform (Android and IOS)
Databases services like:
- Designing new DB Architecture using MS Sql Server
- Database Optimization MS Sql Server
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