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I will make a website either WordPress or special development


I'll make a full website, starting from the user interface to the back end system.
of if you like to make a wordpress template, i will develop it. I use the latest technologies like bootstrap, jQuery, FontAwesome,
Ajax and so on

The Website will contain a well-designed dashboard to control every little part ot the site, also will be well-secured.

You can ask also for converting Html/Css template to a wordpress theme.

You can ask for a php script.

All works are responsive for all devices and have a smart and attractive way

I gained my knowledge from the internet around 4 years ago,

My range includes UI web designing, front end developing and database creation and administration
also, I use WordPress 2 years ago, I've made a lot of templates and sold it on markets

and now working on creating premium themes

delivered within 10 days
2 revisions
0 Jobs Done
0 Repeat Clients
57 minutes Avg. Response Time
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