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I will offer you Call of Duty Mobile Game Account


Selling Legendary Android and iOS High End Level 150+ Original Owner 150 | 5 Legendary Weapons , 1 max Mythic , 1 Legendary Soldier , 8 Lucky draw Soldiers , 6 Crates

Level 150
As Val Mythic full max(over 13K cp has been spent for it)
Legendary Mace
Ak47 Black & Gold
Ak117 Meltdown
Arctic 50 Foxfire
Sks Particle Splitter
Renetti Metal Phantom
Temple Guardian Crate
Hired Muscle Crate
Anime Super Crate
Ak47 Year Of Ox Crate
Graffiti Crate (Vehicle)
Fly As a Samurai Crate (Vehicle)
3 Special Soldiers
Seraph Tombstone
Gunzo Clown Coded
Soap Hezmat
Most rare Avatar Frame
War Horse Frame
+ 17 Epic Dance
+ 87 Epic Weapons
+ 11 Vehicle Skins
+ 15 Wingsuit (have Jetpack)
+ 13 Parachute
+ 13 Item Camo
+ 43 Epic Soldiers
+ Katana
+ Hachi
9 Rename cards
Battel passes from season 12 (12 , 13 , 14 , 15)
220 Region (India)

delivered within 7 days
1 revision
0 Jobs Done
0 Repeat Clients
2 hours Avg. Response Time
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