I will offer you Marvel Strike Force Game Account

Selling Android and iOS High End 11.6M TCP - 714k BO - 670k Sym - 17000 PC and tons of currency - interested read below
11.6m TCP (720k STP) account played from release, ive been the whole owner from day one, this account hasn’t been compromised by any exploit or ilegal things like boting or purchase bug so its a 100% safe to buy. Ive invested in this account almost 2000$ so basically its almost 60% off.
I Have all characters with the exception of doom, working on dd4 (current node: last cosmic).
163 collected chrs.
138 at max stars.
Over 20k sbc(orange catalyst) and over 2k abc(purple catalyst)
2m gold at the time of writing it.
Over 17000 power cores.
Over 90k arena credits.
Over 70k blitz credits.
20k war store credit.
Over 90k t3 ability materials.
Over 1500 t4 ability materials.
Over 4m ions and over 250 isos for each class.
Over 500 blue, purple and orange gear orbs.
Over 100 red star orbs.
With 8 elites red star orbs, 6 four and 2 fives.
Almost 200 silver and gold promo credits.(saving them for silver surfer since i only got a 4 rs on him but he is all maxed out at g15 with all t4s ~112k silver surfer)
Most of the chrs are 4 red stars, only 3 chrs at 3 red stars from the bunch and they are trash chrs.
Almost all my chrs are g12+ and i have a huge stockpile of g13 gear but i dont spend them if the team isnt needed, i also have an abundance of g14 mini uniques, over 450 of reach piece which means you can take a lot of chrs to g14 or basically almost the whole roster to g13 (i have over 20k Sbc).
I have all legendaries at 7 ys with with exception of jubilee which will for sure be 7 star on her second iteration.
Arena: BO 715k usually top 10 arena daily.
(3 members are g15).
Raid: Symbiotes: 670k all of them are over 6 rs g15 and g14. Pretty much auto every u7.5 nodes and defeat with easy doom bio lane.
Blitz: if i currently do all 8 rotations without spending chargers i can reach top 100 payout, most of my teams are 350-450k).
This account pretty much needs a decent spender and can easy reach top 100 tcp with decent spending witch i cant allow at my current state.
Price is 950 dollars non #, ive spent lots of money and time playing this account and trust me im throwing it.
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