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I will sell you Elder Scrolls Online Game Account


Selling XBox One Templar North America Cp 1228 lots of achievements and skins

I'm selling the account as I dont play anymore ! !

  • It has 7 max toons one of every class but warden some 2 of classes, alot of them have all skill lined maxed as well so they can be mag or stam toons, I have every no death title in trials besides kynes I quit playing right before it dropped, I have a couple houses as well with alot of mounts, there is no dlc purchased as I just used eso plus the entire time.

  • I also have pretty much every piece of gear in the game perfected sets from the trials aside from kynes, a little over 3million gold 2200 crowns lots of mats besides gold mats I have a little of them.

Contact now and you will get excellent game ! !

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