I will sell you League of Legends Game Account

Selling EU West Gold Level 30+ 1-24 Hours EUW 740 SKINS ALL CHAMPIONS ACCOUNT FROM THE S2
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Rank: Gold 3
All champions
Payment method: Paypal Friends and family
All skins were bought before 17.02.2016
account comes with 740 total skins owned:
ULTIMATE: Dj Sona, Elementalist Lux, Pulsfire Ereal, Spirit Guard UDYR
MYTHIC: Annie-Versary, Hextech Annie, SouStealer Vayne
LEGENDARY: Kayle, Heimer, Annie, Skarner, CHo'Gath, Anivia, Vladimir, Brolaf, Mundo, Thresh, Tryndamere, Tristana, Darius, Nocturne, Veigar, Tristana, Janna, Galio, Cho'Gath (2skin), Corki, Nasus, Sion. Nunu, Teemo, Draven, Ashe, YI, Corki (2skin), Jinx, Rumble, Fiddle, TF, Brand
EPIC: 126 skin EPIC
Legacy: 246 Legasy skins
Chrome: 17 Chrome skins
OTHER: and 300+ other skins
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