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I will sell you Lords Mobile Game Account


Selling 750m-1000m T5+ 850m t5 account 190m KILLS 26B EMD [GOLD CUP,PURPLE CHAMP BOOTS,GOLD BLIGHT RING] SALE

500/530/530 blasts
430 420 430 mix
430 army hp
ORE HYPER 3.8m per hour
debuff research 9/10
counter research done
t5 research done - 200k each t5 700k each t4
wonder 1 enough tomes
7.5k tomes
blue lore weaver
purple Watcher 100 medals left
many more p2p heroes at white or green
15m troops
520m research might
mythic/purple monster hunt gear

all the gear is very close to upgrade. price is 400$
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contact now and you will get excellent game ! !

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