I will sell you Rise of Empires Game Account

Selling Average Android C19 with c15 farm State 285
Hi I am selling my c19 at 4 +mil power with a c15 farm.
It is in state 285 and a part of the #1 alliance, you will have the opportunity to be apart of this alliance with the purchase.
The account has t7 archers and has calvary and footman at lvl 18, and just a few researches away from enhanced archers.
It only needs marble and iron storage upgrades to reach c20.
It has gone through a royal package and has charcoal factory at 19 and building at 16 with a lvl 30 castle builder stationed.
It has a strong armies with 2 fully researched.
It still has two weeks on hero development plan and a good amount of resources in stock, please ask if you want to know more.
If You have any questions please contact me ! !
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