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I will sell you Summoners War Game Account


Selling G2-C3-c2-legend-38nat5+Light M.BISON Full Towers 201 Spd Woosa-Martina/viowill144spd

Toa 100+toah100 easy auto team^

Tricarux3(3x İCARU FArMABLE ^^DUNGEONS) And all Dot Team Quick Team!!

G2-(Arena )- RTA C3- (you can Be better )^^Special lg:c2-Guild Battle:1.legnadary-siege:g3

Account AMAZİNG with Vip. RUNES^^ 201 Spd ^d Woosa & 152 spd Vio Will(vigor)...check photos

all rift Dugenon SSS rank izi^^

World boss SSS Rank

x561 Summon Stone^^

Have 39 nat5 ^''^^with Light M.BİSON

.. ... chechk photos^^ have amazing SPd Special ^^ on the runes^^

LD nat4: Conrad,Aria,Gin,Dova,Halphas,Gemini,Deva,MollyDove r,Liebli,Amduat,Dias,MARTİNA

Brig,Icasha,Bering...others in the stroge..

^^Rune & mosnter stroge there are a lot of item you can setting as you want^^

some scrolls and materialsat the same time300 speed 2 setmax swft 203

max vio 160max despair 152 with full accucary (need 1 grind)

AllTowers& All Flags / MAx lvl Check on photo^^ .

Transmogs: Twins,Rica,Pernax2,Coleen,Psamathe,Galleonx2,Megan ,Triton,Hathor,Chasun,Leo, x2 Lushen,Halphas^^,Fei^^x62 Stone^^

x1 Resonant wave of Magic power x2

x3 Emissive Lightning Circles

x1 Swirling Magicial Aura

x1 Whirling Conqueror's Fury

x2 Emerging Dark Aura

x1 Burning Fury

x1 Gladiator of ambition

x2 Gladiator of Wrath

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