I will translate a 500 word Fr<En text

The fact of translating a text doesn't mean to simply render a text in the target knowledge without taking into consideration cultural differences, linguistic aspects and the very final utility of any given text. In this regard, I try to make each new text a piece of art; a search for new equivalences and an endeavour for real accuracy.
Being a citizen of a francophone country helps me in dealing with French documents, providing solid text structures and proofreading the source text in case some typos/mistakes are to be found.
Moreover, I'm a graduate student of english and international relations, thus new terms (especially on an international ground) are oftenly encountered in my field of experties, especially after condluding my studies with a MA in translation and interpreting.
What is supposedly required from the client?
the client needs to provide me with the essential data about deadlines; indeed, a simple clear notification about this important aspect is quite needed and prior to be discussed about.
I'll be pealed to work with you.
Best regards
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