I will Translate English To Chinese

I will translate English to Chinese 700 words.
Every translation is proofread before sending it to the client.
I'm especially familiar with...
- Personal letters
- Websites
- Web service
- Web marketing
- Mobile Apps
- Games
- Item descriptions for e-commerce websites
- Books
- Business contracts
- Travel
- Finance & economy
and much more
What formats I accept to include?
24/7 Customer support. Money back guaranteed.
I understand professionalism and accuracy are what you shopping for and those are exactly what I will offer.
I can also provide personalized translation service upon your request. Please contact me first before placing an order if you want to learn more about how I can assist you.
BTW, if I find the content to be translated very interesting, I may offer you a discount cause I just love to explore new things. :P
Thank you!
Click here to request a custom service and send you an estimate