I will translate texts from english into Arabic/French and vice versa

I'll provide you with a good quality of translation with high rate of accuracy. in this regard, I'll try to follow some well known translation techniques such as skopos theory; theories that help any translator to put much of his focus on the source text'message and accurate meanings, thus a literal translation would not be always suitable for any given text. Therefore, a combination of literality and inter-textuality would be present throughout my translations. In such a way, i can further assess the reader of the target text, assuming the cultural differences between the two languages, providing better colloquial and idiomatic expressions, thus a new text can be formed and structured in the best way.
in this regard, some questions must be clearly and explicitly answered; the specificities of the target text's reader(s), the formality of the language and the freedom a translator can have while editing the source text .i.e. in case the text included some mistakes (poor language).
Similarly, the client should be helpful once asked few questions.
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