I will website design and development

Hi i am heri, website design & developer job profession, over for more than 5 years experiences working as full stack website design and development for frontend design with HTML5, CSS3 / SCSS framework, jquery UI and backend site plugin integrated and customization. With open source wordpress cms based software platform to create, maintain, update, customization and work with custom wordpress design templates with starter template, create dynamic page layout and structures, convertion from PSD design layout to wordpress themes, customize woocommerce plugin, design layout and functionality, extended custom post / page type structures and UI, create responsive website design and media access queries for dekstop, tablet and mobile with customization and bootstrap framework. Optimization for website files directory and structures, website loading performace, content and images, security, design codes and its implementation, maintain and update wordpress, web performances, with no boundary to implement the standard and new of web technologies.
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