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Web Design, Developer and Seo Expert with PHP Wordpress

Hello Thank you for reviewing my profile. I am a Website design And Development Expert with 4+ years’ experience in a Website Design, Development, PHP, Wordpress Theme, Seo Friendly Design, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, (PSD to HTML, PSD to Wordpress, eCommerce Solution, Woo-Commerce template Design & customization). A website not only needs to be visually appealing but also needs to have the correct and useful information presented in an interesting and interactive manner, to generate and attract greater web traffic. Moreover, 01. HTML5 02. CSS3 03. Java Scrip 04. jquery 05. PHP 06. MySql 07. Wordpress 08. Wordpress Theme Develope 09. Writing Theme Customization 10. PSD to HTML 11. Responsive theme Design 12. Web Design 13. Woo-Commerce & E-Commerce ( Woo-Commerce template customization) * Always Try to Present Best Quality work * Always Respect My Buyer


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