We have 7 years of experience Team with Web development, App development ,design, web hosting and server configuration. We have a team of 35 experts on the skill sets you are looking for and we are confident that we can exceed your expectations. Please have a look at https://www.geitpl.com/ . We're also a top rated agency on Upwork with 100% success rate:- https://www.upwork.com/companies/~01f756c74f4d5ebe37 . We can execute our services to your concern for you at a much lower cost than what it might be in-house. We have a three tier quality check system so, No compromise on quality! Our skill sets include:- Language:- PHP,Android,iOS,Python,etc. Frameworks: CI, Laravel CMS:- Wordpress, Magento Database: MySQL, Postgres, sqlite, MongoDB Design and Enhancement:- Twitterbootsrap, Ajax, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Jquery. Clouds: Heroku,Amazon,Linode,Rackspace. Version control system:- Git, SVN API- Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, google, yahoo
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