Linked Accounts
Android Application Developer (2013)
Hello, My self Pratik Butani an enthusiastic Android Application Developer since 2013, Manager/Speaker at Google Developer Group – Rajkot. I love to learn new things all time, I also like to help peoples who are specially from IT Background. In free time I TEACH Android to New Learner and Share his knowledge to them. I am actually fell in love with Android after completing his Master Degree and also like to do Googling for learn new things, Blogging. I am writing blogs on medium and my personal website. As a Helper on Social sites, I am in List of Top 200 User's (158) Highest Reputation Holder from India on StackOverflow (#SOReadyToHelp), You can google me like "Pratik Butani on Stackoverflow" I am also publishing my open source projects on GitHub. You can also search it on Google like "Pratik Butani on GitHub" I will be grateful and thankful in advance to work here. Thank you.
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