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I will create desktop app with visual studio


Do you or your company need an app to manage things ? Like shop management? Or an app for interacting to the database ? Reporting app ? POS app ? Or anything else for Windows platform ? Or a Web API ?

I can create them based on your requirements with C# and WPF technology. For the database I will use SQL, MySQL or Mysql. For the web api, I can use ASP.NET Core or PHP.

I have created some apps based on database and networking needs such as data encryption, file sharing, and hardware shop management app, card generator app, reporting app, and vice versa.

I also have experience with Deployment of App on Azure and Azure SQL Database and connecting them with the desktop app.

Please contact me first before creating an order. Thanks :)

Note: The price may be lower or higher depends on the project's complexity.


Can you create mobile app?

No, another special service for mobile apps development is coming soon.

Can you develop web based apps?

Yes I can develop that too.In fact I am Certified Professional.I have another service for that.You can check here https://jobdone.net/service/code-in-asp-net-mvc-jquery-ajax-and-javascript-iegcFx.html?referer=Shahzaib

Can you edit existing app?

Yes, but please give me source code first so i can determine whether i can do it or not.

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