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I will sell you Raid Shadow Legends Game Account


Selling End Game Account Android and iOS High End Raid Shadow Legends Account End game 1 Key UNM CB

End game account 3.7mil 1 Key UNM CB

A quick summary:

30 unique legendary champions, some of them being top tier (Duchess, Valkyrie, Venus, Zavia, Septimus)

Lots and lots of epics top tier: Seer, Skullcrown x2, Maneater, RG, Skullcrusher, Madame x2, Seeker and many more.

Top tier geared champs: CH with 310CD in relentless gear, RG 300CD, Seer 310CD, Septimus Savage set 270CD are just some of the exemples.

Dungeons : All under 60sec with lots of fun combination of champs and strats ( seer buffs nuke, Zavia poisons stacking with taurus, RG nuking), Spider 11sec farming.

Arena classic: easy plat arena at reset with champs like Duchess 600res and Valk 6k def high speed.
3x3 Arena: farming gold bars at gold 2 - gold 3 easily.

Clan Boss : 1 Key UNM/NM 71-74mil UK.

Very close to finish Faction wars(Lydia): Undead and Dwarves 60stars and LIzards/Skinwalkers at 46 ( got enough champs to finish all of them but no time atm )

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